Waking up on a soft-lighted, mostly cloudy day in Eastport is an opportunity to start your day slowly with a morning walk. Downtown is a walk away from anywhere in town, and along the way you can become acquainted with life on the island. The breeze carries the smell of the sea and sounds of town waking up. The swing of a hammer and buzz of a saw from a home renovation happening over the hill. Sparrows counter-singing from apple trees. The whir of a lawn mower from someone trimming their grass that just keeps growing in the luscious summer weather. And the fragrance of sea roses that beckons, though you need be careful of visiting bees.

Once downtown, you can stand in view of the water and judge whether tide is high or low, just for the sake of knowing. Stop in the new Moose Island Bakery for a cup of coffee and a fabulous pastry; the kind that requires time to slowly savor it. In a chair on their patio you can watch the activity at the breakwater that could include lobster boats unloading their catch or folks fishing off the pier.

If you pick up a copy of the latest Quoddy Tides you can read about regional happenings that can range from fisheries information to local church raffles, news from nearby Canadian Maritime islands, or Nettie Thurston’s latest recipe ideas for the latest seasonal fruit or vegetable. You might want to finish your coffee while window-shopping along Water Street in the numerous galleries and antique store windows, look for bargains at the thrift store, check out the Passamaquoddy model at the visitor center or marvel at the variety of eateries. At the far end of Water Street you can visit the Peavey Library that features a sunny reading room with comfortable chairs where you can peruse a variety of magazines or a book of your choosing from the stacks. Before you know it, it is lunch time. Which cafe looked enticing today?

Written by Gail McGlamery