A new one-person show opens at the Eastport Gallery on August 20th entitled “Women in the Woods,” by Lubec artist Sherry Ashby Cunningham. The artist will present works in oil and prints of hand-pulled wood-cuts revealing a very personal view of her world.

Mainly a studio artist, Cunningham’s work flows from her imagination and is influenced to a great degree by her working in the Summer Keys Garden and the time she spends meditating. “Some aspects of my work could be described as atmospheric and I see them enfolding in my work,” explains Cunningham.

“Meditation gives me a place to go in head to help in the creation of the work. I try to translate to the viewer the peace of mind I feel along with the ideas that I am trying to express through images of the natural world.”

Process for Cunningham is a laborious undertaking. Very particular about the texture of the substrate she uses, the artist prepares her own masonite and panels glazing layer after layer, then letting them dry in between up to as many times as ten layers. “I prepare my substrate and paint in the traditional way”, explains Cunningham, “but my themes are nontraditional.”

From time to time Cunningham breaks from her studio work to draw from life. She feels that it is important to keep her hand in “because art can also be very analytical.” “Drawing keeps me balanced. I pay particular attention to line, color, texture, and shape.”

Growing up in Lubec, Sherry has always drawn and painted. “I painted my childhood. Now my painting is more a reflection of my inner world, a narrative of my spiritual journey.”

Sherry Ashby Cunningham’s paintings and wood cuts will be featured at the Eastport Gallery until September 1st.