The Paint Eastport Day auction and reception will take place at the Eastport Art Center on September 1st marking the 15th year that artists of the city join with Eastport Gallery members to paint their favorite scenes of Eastport. The call for artists goes out to all painters, youngsters and adults, visitors and residents, amateurs and professionals, to come to Eastport on Saturday of the Salmon Festival and submit their work, painted on that day, for the silent auction.

Paint Eastport Day is intended for the bidders as well as the artists to have fun and get into the art spirit. “Bidders realize that the paintings are dashed off in the course of a few hours,” explains David Orrell, former chairman of the event. “It’s what keeps the fun in the day and make it one of the social highlights
of the summer.”

This year’s chairman, Dan Butler, predicts that the Gallery will provide more than 150 bidding cards to residents and visitors who so very enthusiastically vie with one another for the day’s submissions.

Registration begins at 7:00 AM at the Eastport Art Center and artists are asked to return their day’s work no later than 3:00 PM. The auction begins at 4:30 PM. Light refreshments will be served as the happy bidders accept their prizes.